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This command displays a selection from the current super icon file loaded
with the most recent SET ICON TO <iconfile> command.  Super icons can be
created and modified using dGE's GFONT font editor.

@ <Pos1>,<Pos2> DRAW SUPER ICON <icon>
  [OVERLAY <color1> <color2> <color3> <color4>]

<icon> is the icon number to be displayed from 0 to 7.
<Pos1> is the row screen coordinate from 0 to 24.
<Pos2> is the column screen coordinate from 0 to 79.
[VECTOR] sets the origin in length/angle format or "vector" mode.  The
  default origin is Cartesion or "x/y" mode.
[REPLACE] sets the replace mode.
[OR] sets the or mode.
[BLACK] sets the black mode.
[INVERSE] sets the inverse mode.
[COMPOSITE] draws 4 icons at the centerpoint <Pos1>,<Pos2> without
  overlaying the images.
[OVERLAY <color1> <color2> <color3> <color4>] displays an overlay of
  icons in positions 0 through 3 or 4 through 7 using the colors speci-
  fied in the tokens 1 through 4.

DRAW SUPER ICON 7 AT 10,20                // display super icon # 7

         Purpose: Display one of eight current super icons
 Mapped Function: __DrawSuperIcon() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: drawicon()
   Other GL UDFs: __DgeColor()
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawSuperIcon()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson